All Case Studies

G4 Farms
G4 Farms
  • Farmer name: G4 Farms LLC, owned by Raina Turner-Greenlea, Charles Greenlea III, & George Turner III
  • Method of Access: Inherited family land
  • Acreage: 160 acres in Crawfordville, GA, and an urban homestead on 0.2 acres
  • Location: Crawfordville GA, Atlanta, GA
  • Year Founded: 2016
  • Affordability Tools: self-funded, federal programs, grants, and donations
  • Farm Operation: Fruits and nuts, medicinal herbs, teas, dyes and fiber
Green Heffa Farms
Green Heffa Farms
  • Farmer name: Clarenda “Farmer Cee” Stanley
  • Acreage: 14.84 acres
  • Location: Liberty, NC
  • Year Founded: 2018
  • Affordability Tools: Purchase
  • Farm Operation: organic and regeneratively grown herbs and medicinal plants, including hemp flower
Black Cotton
Black Cotton
  • Farmers name: Julius Tillery
  • Acreage: 125 
  • Location: Rich Square, NC
  • Method of Access: Ownership
  • Year Founded: Six generations, early 1900s
  • Affordability Tools: Purchase
  • Farm Operation: Cotton, mushrooms, hunting
Nature’s Candy Farms
Nature’s Candy Farms
  • Farmers name: tenisio seanima
  • Method of Access: Ownership, lease, handshake
  • Acreage: 1/4 acre
  • Location: East Point, GA
  • Year Founded: 2011
  • Affordability Tools: Purchase, Lease
  • Farm Operation: Vegetable, Specialty Crop
Tierra Fértil
Tierra Fértil
  • Los agricultores: Chang y Ger Xiong, Christina Dedora, Ben Torpey, John Kenny, Michele Kozloski, Garmai Mawolo, Choua y Kia Xiong
  • Método de acceso: Arrendamiento a largo plazo, tierra pública
  • Superficie en acres: 50 acres
  • Ubicación: Henderson, North Carolina
  • Año de fundación: 2004
  • Herramientas de asequibilidad: Incubadora agricultora, servidumbre de conservación, agricultura colaborativa, tierra pública
  • Operación agrícola: Verduras orgánicas, huevos, flores y hierbas
Brooklyn Grange
Brooklyn Grange
  • Farmers: Ben Flanner, Anastasia Cole Pakias, Gwen Schantz, and colleagues
  • Method of Access: Lease
  • Acreage: 5.6 acres on 3 rooftops
  • Location: Brooklyn and Queens, New York
  • Year Founded: 2010
  • Affordability Tools: Lease
  • Farm Operation: Diversified vegetables, agritourism (dinners, weddings, workshops, farm tours), landscaping services
Caretaker Farm
Caretaker Farm
  • Farmers: Bridget Spann and Don Zasada (junior farmers); Sam and Elizabeth Smith (senior farmers)
  • Method of Access: Bridget and Don own the farmhouse and structures and rent the farmland via a ground lease
  • Acreage: 35 acres
  • Location: Berkshires, Massachusetts
  • Year Founded: 2006 (Don and Bridget's operation); 1991 (Sam and Elizabeth's CSA); 1969 (Sam and Elizabeth's operation)
  • Affordability Tools: Ground lease, conservation easement, community fundraising, land trust
  • Farm Operation: Diversified animal and vegetable operation with 200 varieties of 40 different crops every season, plus chickens and pigs
Diggers’ Mirth
Diggers’ Mirth
  • Farmers: Hilary Martin, Dylan Zeitlyn, Elango Dev, Sophia Zowat
  • Method of Access: Lease
  • Acreage: 11 acres
  • Location: Burlington, Vermont
  • Year Founded: 1992
  • Affordability Tools: Farm incubator, collaborative farming, LLC
  • Farm Operation: Vegetables and salad greens
Elmer Farm
Elmer Farm
  • Farmers: Spencer and Jennifer Blackwell
  • Method of Access: Ownership
  • Acreage: 89 acres
  • Location: Middlebury, VT
  • Year Founded: 2006
  • Affordability Tools: Conservation easement, OPAV, land trust
  • Farm Operation: Vegetables and grains
Full and By Farm
Full and By Farm
  • Farmers: James Graves and Sara Kurak
  • Method of Access: Ownership
  • Acreage: 100 acres
  • Location: Essex, NY
  • Year Founded: 2010
  • Affordability Tools: Conservation easement, land trust
  • Farm Operation:  Vegetables, meat, eggs

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