Helping farmers and landowners affordably access, transfer, and conserve farmland.

Discover how farm leasing can help new farmers access land and build equity.
Explore creative arrangements for making farmland access more affordable.
Understand methods and strategies for transferring a farm to the next generation.

The Farm Lease Builder guides you through important common issues in farmland leases and helps you create a roadmap for your landlord/tenant relationship.

Featured Resources

Community Land Trust: Guide to Creating an Agrarian Commons
Find out how to create legal structures for managing farmland owned by a community.
Heirs' Property
Understand heirs’ property, a significant driver of African American land loss in the United States, and find practical guidance for heirs' property owners.
Recursos en Español
El Estuche de Herramientas Legales está diseñado para ayudar a los agricultores y propietarios de tierras a tener acceso, transferencia, y conservación de las tierras agrícolas.

Farmer Stories

This toolkit includes farm case studies to illustrate innovative models of farmland access, farm transfer, and the strategic use of conservation tools to enhance the affordability of farm access and transfer, and to keep farmland in farming.

Oprime aquí para leer nuestra historia sobre la organización Tierra Fértil:

About This Site
This toolkit explains legal arrangements that provide farmers more affordable farmland access and help landowners balance earning income for retirement with making their land affordable to the next generation of farmers, and makes useful information available to farmer and landowner advocates.
Our Partners
This project was created as a collaboration of the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems at Vermont Law School; BCM Environmental & Land Law, PLLC; and Heyman Legal.
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