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Build your own draft lease with our free online tool

Benefits of the Farm Lease Builder

The Farm Lease Builder guides you through important common issues in farmland leases and helps you create a roadmap for your landlord/tenant relationship. Thinking things through ahead of time and getting them down on paper protects your time, money, and emotional investment in your farmland. The Farm Lease Builder creates a lease draft that is customized to your needs. The draft lease is created in an easy-to-edit Word document. And if you don't finish the draft lease in one sitting, you can save your work and easily come back to complete it.

Learn More About the Value of Written Leases

Case Study Spotlight: Greenfield Berry Farm

When Daniel and Michelle Greenfield decided to lease public land for their berry farm in northeast Ohio, they worked diligently to ensure they were committing to an arrangement that made sense for their family and business. While your farm may not lease public lands, understanding land leases is an important component for the success of many farming operations. A lawyer can help to ensure the lease is written fairly and logically, saving time, money, and energy in the long-term.

Learn More About the Greenfields
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